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The value of wall mounted digital signage in brand chain stores
Author:Digital signageDate:2020-06-16 17:15Click:

In recent years, the use of wall mounted digital signage for unified marketing in brand chain stores has had a significant impact on stimulating consumers and has played an important role in driving them forward.

KIKIHU wall mounted digital signage has gradually become clear in many brand chain stores across the country. Only a unified marketing model can do better, provide a stronger customer experience, and even brand names are quickly recognized and accepted by consumers.


Chain stores want to distribute programs uniformly through their headquarters and require nationwide management, rather than purchasing by their own stores. Advertising machine manufacturer Kuaihu Technology suggests purchasing a network version of the landing advertising machine, which is convenient and fast for releasing programs without the need for replacement machines one by one. If the store purchases a single building wall mounted advertising machine on its own, and the quantity purchased is within 1-5 units, and the program is not frequently changed, then purchasing a standalone version of the advertising machine is sufficient. However, nowadays there is not much price difference between these two advertising machines, so most users choose to purchase the online version of LCD advertising machines for ease of operation.



The main functions of wall mounted online advertising machines

1. Main control computer control: Connected to one or more main control computers in the local area network, it can send commands to individually control one or more groups of advertising machines at any time.

2. Automatic download and playback: The advertising machine can freely or according to the pre-set "task table" download various advertising short films from the main control computer, and automatically play them after downloading.

3. Appointment for download and appointment for playback: The advertising machine automatically operates according to pre edited parameters such as sleep, start time, appointment for download, and appointment for playback.

4. Scroll notification display: Horizontal scrolling text characters can be displayed at the bottom of the screen, making it convenient for various occasions that require text notifications. The display content can be updated at any time through the main control computer.


KIKIHU has customized network digital signs for many chain brand stores, such as: 7 Days Inn, Little Milk Tea Store, Wanda Cinema, Bank, Burger King, Carrefour, etc. There are application cases. The above is about the issue of brand chain stores putting on wall mounted network digital signs. I believe you will have a more in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the value of putting on wall mounted network digital signs after reading this article.