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What problems can hotels solve with floor to ceiling advertising?
Author:Hotel wall mounted advertising machineDate:2020-05-19 11:47Click:

The information age is already changing the way hotels operate, and the hotel industry is developing towards digitization, networking, and informatization. The use of floor standing advertising machines in hotels can effectively enhance information communication between hotels and guests, enhance the overall image and competitiveness of the hotel. The hotel's landing LCD advertising machine information release system should provide comprehensive information for passengers. In terms of service, the landing advertising machine of Kuaishu Technology brand hotels has also become a new highlight in the advertising media market, which has been adopted by various chain hotels.

Hotel application locations: hotel lobby, elevator entrance, restaurant, hotel private rooms, conference rooms, corridors, etc.

Hotel wall mounted advertising machine

Hotel landing advertising machine


Hotel floor standing advertising machine application plan:

Digital advertising screens enable service information dissemination, advertising promotion, customer guidance, and other services. The system uses the hotel's internal LAN as the network platform and deploys multiple playback and display terminals connected to the network in the lobby, dining room, conference room, elevator, and other places. Broadcast general guides, restaurant introductions, hot dishes, promotional activities, culinary culture, banquet themes, schedule arrangements, welcome messages, wedding greetings, etc., with gorgeous, dynamic visuals, ultra-high interactivity, etc., to broadcast general guides, restaurant introductions, hot dishes, promotional activities, culinary culture, banquet themes, schedule arrangements, welcome messages, etc. Wedding wishes and so on. At the same time, providing customers with exciting information, creating an atmosphere of blending emotions and scenes, and increasing their consumption experience.

KIKIHU Technology has a very mature technical solution for the application of hotel floor standing advertising machines and wall mounted LCD advertising machines, with over 10000 installation cases. If you have any related product requirements, please consult us.